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I also offer home & office cleansing, protection and blessing.

Our houses can become sick just as our bodies can. They become filled with non-beneficial energies. There may be streams of noxious energies which flow through our house which can cause illness and dis-ease. Our electrical appliances emit damaging energies. Emotions such as anger, depression, sadness, etc. can get caught in our homes causing the people who live there to be depressed or fight more.

Recent Divorce? Death in the family?
Negative Vibrations

Our houses and offices can become filled with negative, non-beneficial energy. This energy is produced by the thoughts and words of people. Angry words, fearful thoughts, depression and other emotions can become stuck in the room where they were expressed. This is why you can walk into a room where an argument just occurred and feel the tension in the air. 

Noxious Energies

The Earth is surrounded by streams of noxious energy and underground streams which can cause dis-ease. If a stream of noxious energy passes under your bed, there is a high risk of you developing cancer. These noxious energies can cause relationship issues, health issues and mental issues.

EMF - Electro Magnetic Fields

Our appliances emit an electro magnetic field which can extend throughout a room. These EMF have been proven to cause illness and dis-ease. Spiritually Clearing these energies can improve your health and comfort level.

House Won't Sell?

If your house is filled with negative or noxious energy, it can sit on the market forever without selling. If the home does not feel safe, comfortable and inviting, no one will want to buy it. Houses sell more on how they feel than what they look like. Spiritually Cleansing your house and removing the non-beneficial energies can help your house to sell quicker.

"You will not believe! I got the first offer today. The house has been sitting on the market for 6 moths and people wouldn't view it. Thank you very much." N.W. Africa

Business Slow?

Your customers leave behind negative energy and emotions when they visit your place of business. These negative energies will cause the energy to feel heavy making your employees and customers feel out of sorts emotionally and physically. Spiritually Cleansing the energy of your business will make it feel more inviting and comfortable thereby increasing your business and productivity. 

Website Business Slow?

When customers visit your website, they leave behind negative energy and emotions just as if they had been there physically. This can cause sales to be sluggish and visitors to leave your site quickly. Spiritually Cleansing the negative energy from your website can increase your sales.

How is Spiritual House Cleansing 
or Spiritual House Healing Done?

A Spiritual House Cleansing or Spiritual House Healing can be performed very easily at a distance. A drawing of the house and property can be useful, but not necessary. I can stop the damaging energy flows and fill your house with beneficial energies. I can help your house or business to feel peaceful, inviting and like a home again.

Creating Sacred Space

We all love to have a special place in our homes where we feel safe and comfortable. A Spiritual House Cleansing can create that sacred space easily. It can make your home feel better than it ever has. Beneficial energies will be invited into your sacred space, making it a wonderful space for you to enjoy.

"Thank you for the update on the house. I am glad that there was only the vortex in the stairwell. It's funny that it was done last night, since it was the first night in months that I have slept EIGHT, glorious hours. The basement transition feels "lighter." Is this making sense? Since this is my first experience with anything of this nature, I was surprised to see the length that you went through in checking our house (entities, geopathic stress, earth energies, Feng Shui, energy flow?...etc). I am not sure what I was expecting, but this is much more comprehensive than anything I had imagined. Apparently I have a lot to learn. I am glad that I put our home in your hands." M.S

some reviews left on my online chat profile -

She looked inside my soul. She knew exactly who I was and what I am meant to do in life. I can say without hesitation: one of the top 3 true psychics I have ever had the pleasure of meeting even if it is online. Great insight and valuable information and advice. Thank you so much! I so needed to hear all that you told me and I feel better already;)

Brutally honest, but still gentle and helpful. She offered guidance to get past some of the things I'm experiencing, and I look forward to giving it a sincere try. :)

Amazed by the accuracy and depth of this reading. She really does answer questions that go unasked. In one session she has told me more than others have in three sessions. She types in long paragraphs so you need to be patient, however having experienced a reading with her, i can tell you that this method is preferable to others' who need to be probed constantly for answers - Kimberly's level of detail in just one reading will astound you.You must try.

I just tried the PAST LIFE READING and it is so worth it!! She gave me over an hour of very detailed insights into my past. It's an amazing eye opener. Kimberly is such a deep and detailed Reader, not a lot is amiss with her she is able to pick up on a lot of things only a truly gifted Psychic can. She is now one of my top favorites.

Kimberly completely nailed my situation! Very high level of detail given together with excellent advice. You must try her if you haven't yet!

I love her! she really showed me the path that i needed to choose. very honest and caring at the same time. I definitely recommend her to anyone I will come across.

I am beyond amazed at what Kimberly was able to pick up. She is very specific and completely accurate in her detail. Thank you so much Kimberly, from the bottom of my heart.

Wow, i'm speechless. Kimberly is really attuned and connected. She doesn't just give you a predictive reading, she goes to the root of the issue to a much deeper level. Separate to that, she sees what's missing in your spiritual self and is able to coach you on the best path forward. I really am in awe because I'm not looking at just predictions but a bigger picture here. Thank you also for your honesty and generosity with time, very much appreciated.
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