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There are Seven Energies, within our Aura's called Chakra's, the word is Sanskrit in origin meaning "wheel" these energies also act like doors and magnets. if there is not correct flow through your chakras, like your heart is closed, you would not be ready to connect corectly in love, your throat would be constricted so you cannot voice thoughts correctly and so on,

Chakra's can be considered parts of our Soul, our personalities. this influences you, your mind, your heart, your work, your love life, and your soul.

The journey through the chakra system should always start with the


Root or Base Chakra


Survival, Vitality, Reality, Grounding, Security, Support, Stability,               Sexuality, Individuality, Courage, Impulsiveness

The Root Chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine.


if you feel you may have a chakra dis-balance, there will be some exercises, diets, envirments, etc. that are specific to your energy, that you can preform, which will help you to either stop them where they are, slow you down from getting worse, or actually heal and balance, each and every day you go without balance, you get worse, here at Psychic Soul Healing - Glendora you can contact a specailist and find out your personalised chakra chart and if you wish set up sessions to heal them yourself or with help from these experts.

you will be able to find more information on each of the chakra's through the drop down menu at Chakra's

The Chakra System

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