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Her Soul Destiny is to bring Spiritual Balance, Soul Connection & Awareness of the Spiritual and Cosmic Impact both good and bad could have. Kimberly does not cause or cast a "Curse" she breaks them, she is very honest and blunt, but also very compassionate and non-judgmental.


  • CLAIRCOGNIZANCE - "clear knowing" 

  •  CLAIRSENTIENCE - "clear feeling"

  • CLAIRVOYANCE - " clear seeing"












Let me ask you this question “are you happy?” sometimes that is difficult to answer positively. Most people immediately answer that they are not unhappy, but of course that is not the same thing. Searching for happiness is a modern day phenomenon and it appears the more people search the less likely they are to find it. A belief abounds especially with the young, that money, fame, or celebrity lifestyle is the answer. This may be instantly disproved by the simple fact that numerous people who attain all this still crave happiness. Research however, has proved that those with a spiritual belief are not only happier but actually enjoy better health and live longer.


People have asked me, "how did i discover my gift"

I did'nt. i have always had my gift, for as long as i can remember. I thought it was completely normal, until just before my pre-teens, and discovering that it was not, only made me more determined to further develop my spiritual abilities. I started out as a young child by blurting out any premonition, vision and prediction to all passerby's about their lives, when they came true you can imagine their shock, and wonderment at me, i then studied palmistry and tarot card readings, and around the time i started doing actual psychic reading's, i felt there was still too much that was unknown to me, about myself and my gifts, that i needed to understand, in order to truly help and heal. I then went through multiple sessions of past life regression, and discovered that within each and every life this is what i have been doing and this is my Soul Goal. I am now able to tap into the wisdom, of all those lives to help guide and advice those around me. Often times our problems are rooted in past lives or from soul/spirit ties. Together we can walk into the light to correct the stumbling blocks, Together we can discover your path to Love, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity.


                       We are all Spiritual Being's in a human world. 


Within this life alone, i have repaired broken marriages, even when the people i was helping was hopeless, I give answers to UN-asked questions, have helped people go on after losing a loved one, have helped lost soul's stuck in limbo see the light, given the right advice on business expenditures while not even knowing what the client does for a living, warned of particular jealous people, helped people move on to a better future opened third eye's to allow people to see the path of a beautiful spiritual journey, and become a psychic healer themselves, made negative energy positive, restored balance, re-created lost pieces to the soul, re-united star crossed lovers and soul mates, twin flames, and settled karmic debts, saved uncountable lives. This is not only my Life dedication, but my Soul Dedication, i have had many lives in which i focus on developing my spiritual awareness and abilities, to heal, and restore balance, and keep the ultimate scale of the universe positive.

About Soul Specailist Kimberly

Wow, i'm speechless. Kimberly is really attuned and connected. She doesn't just give you a predictive reading, she goes to the root of the issue to a much deeper level. Separate to that, she sees what's missing in your spiritual self and is able to coach you on the best path forward. I really am in awe because I'm not looking at just predictions but a bigger picture here. Thank you also for your honesty and generosity with time, very much appreciated.

Amazed by the accuracy and depth of this reading. She really does answer questions that go unasked. In one session she has told me more than others have in three sessions. having experienced a reading with her, i can tell you that this method is preferable to others' who need to be probed constantly for answers - Kimberly's level of detail in just one reading will astound you.You must try.

I just tried the PAST LIFE READING and it is so worth it!! She gave me over an hour of very detailed insights into my past. It's an amazing eye opener. Kimberly is such a deep and detailed Reader, not a lot is amiss with her she is able to pick up on a lot of things only a truly gifted Psychic can. She is now one of my top favorites.

Kimberly completely nailed my situation! Very high level of detail given together with excellent advice. You must try her if you haven't yet!

I love her! she really showed me the path that i needed to choose. very honest and caring at the same time. I definitely recommend her to anyone I will come across.

I am beyond amazed at what Kimberly was able to pick up. She is very specific and completely accurate in her detail. Thank you so much Kimberly, from the bottom of my heart.

Brutally honest, but still gentle and helpful. She offered guidance to get past some of the things I'm experiencing, and I look forward to giving it a sincere try. :)

She looked inside my soul. She knew exactly who I was and what I am meant to do in life. I can say without hesitation: one of the top 3 true psychics I have ever had the pleasure of meeting even if it is online. Great insight and valuable information and advice. Thank you so much! I so needed to hear all that you told me and I feel better already;)

First time customers get 10-50% off select services and items limited time!

Past Lives & Soul Goal

One Life we live as a man, sometimes the next a woman, a Queen the next a servant, then a Doctor, a thief, a Soldier and each life is with a goal, a reason, or destiny, to meet a certain person or build a skill or understanding, it's an evolution. Sometimes a completely different experience, or sometimes history repeats itself, like taking the same class, if you did not realize the goal of that life you try again, and sometimes if you veer off your path so completely by making the wrong choices it takes a few lives just to find the way back after taking a wrong turn, if you had died in a way you were not supposed to, or hurt a relationship with a soul whom you were supposed cultivate a positive soul connection with it leaves karma or a soul memory, a scar, or sometimes we even break a piece, tear ourselves down by our sins. Here at Psychic Soul Healing our specialty is pointing you in the correct path, before you even take the wrong turn, to help you create a beautiful future and Soul, in the way that is truly meant for you.

Karmic Debt

 Karma refers to the energy created as a result of your actions and relationships during your current and past lives. Karmic Debt means that something negative happened in the past that must be addressed in the present or the future before you can continue to enjoy your life to the fullest. The idea of Karma has roots in ancient Eastern philosophy and later became a key component of Buddhism.

Here at Psychic Soul Healing we Provide Quality Services and the best Experts, on this page you will find information on our services,

Past Lives & Karma, about us, reviews, and meet our manager, for your reading, in office or over the phone call or text TOLL FREE...

(626)712-2930 and we can personalize and tailor a reading or service to your specific needs. hope to hear from you soon! :)

  Pet Reading 13$  

  our pets have souls and feelings to,

  have they not been eating right or 

       acting different? find out why.  

  Maybe your just curious whether 

 they like chicken or beef or apple  

           flavored snack's better, or     

   if they are in love. we can help!    

  Palm Reading   20$

A fun reading filled with facts about your personality, how many children you are meant to have, lucky numbers and best career path based on personality

  Tarot Reading 40$  
     Includes advice and guidance      
        concerning  your past, how it    
           influences your present,         
     and present situations future      
 Psychic Reading 60$ 
          Past present future        
    details into love & career    
 Full Life Reading 100$ 
          Past present future        
    details into love Friends Family  
    home career Education Finance      
  investemeants legal times dates places
      details descriptions and questions       
 Past Life 150$ 
a past life regression reading is done through meditation use of the four clairs, and tarot cards will give you interesting facts, information, the whole story on who you were and what you did in the life before this one, and how that influences this life, as well as figure out if there is any karmic debt and how to fix it.
 Soul Reading 250$ 
Past Life, Full Pressent Life, Next Life, Soul Mate Twin Flame, Soul Goal, Soul Destiny, Karmic Debts, Energy Aura Chakras, Solutions Questions,Spirit & Angel Guides Messeges Positive Path Creation.
 Soul Healing Meditation & Diagnosis 150$ 
an 8 hour meditation for serious cases only to people who are in need please make an appointment, a meditation will allow me to get down deep to the root of the issue, see exsactly how deep, how strong, where when why what and who, like if you had an infection sometimes you need to take a blood test to see what is the best antibiotic to use, the meditation will not drain you of any energy, if fact i will be depositing positive energy every step of the way, i do this meditation while you are in subconscious state, so it is un-intrusive, and completly safe. 
 Home Cleansing Protection Blessing 100$  
Price will depend upon location and the size of the home, can be preformed at a distance or on your home property. Please Visit the page titled "Home Cleansing" for detailed Info Our houses can become sick just as our bodies can. They become filled with non-beneficial energies. There may be streams of noxious energies which flow through our house which can cause illness and dis-ease. Our electrical appliances emit damaging energies. Emotions such as anger, depression, sadness, etc. can get caught in our homes causing the people who live there to be depressed or fight more. Recent Divorce? Death in the family? Negative Vibrations? Our houses and offices can become filled with negative, non-beneficial energy. This energy is produced by the thoughts and words of people. Angry words, fearful thoughts, depression and other emotions can become stuck in the room where they were expressed. This is why you can walk into a room where an argument just occurred and feel the tension in the air. 
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